St. Kilda, Outer Hebrides

Micheal O Halmhain is a respected Irish musician who added much to the experience
by playing Celtic tunes on his whistle in many different situations.
St. Kilda was evacuated in 1930 at the people's request. Conditions were very harsh and they could no longer make a life there.
The islands are located 68 km. west of the Outer Hebrides, in the Atlantic Ocean. Currently, the only year-round residents are defence personnel;
a variety of conservation workers, volunteers and scientists spend time there in the summer months. It is a World Heritage Site.
The world's largest gannet colony is on Boreray, an uninhabited island in the St.Kilda archipelago.
It is estimated that there are 60,000 breeding pairs of gannets here, as well as puffins, fulmars, guillemots, cormorants and kittiwakes.

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