That Old Wallpaper's Gotta Go!

Whether you plan to put new wallpaper in your room or plan to paint, proper surface preparation is the first step in any redecorating job, and your best insurance that a professional-looking result will be obtained.

A wallpaper steamer is a steam plate connected to a boiler. The steam plate is perforated to permit steam to escape and yet, light enough to hold against the wall with one hand. A few experimental tries will show you how long to hold it against the wall to loosen the paper. Keep a window open while the machine is in operation and remember, you are working with steam that can burn—be cautious.

If the wallpaper has been painted, you need to score the painted surface with rough sandpaper so the steam can get through to loosen the paste.

Spread a drop cloth for complete floor protection, as scraps of wallpaper have glue on them and are almost as hard to get off the floor as they were to get off the wall.

Begin removing at the bottom right-hand corner of a wall (left-hand corner if you are left-handed). Slide pan upward, peeling the loosened paper as you go using a wide scraper. If you begin digging into the wall with the scraper it means you are sliding the pan too fast. Slow down and let the steam do the work.



When you reach the ceiling begin again at the bottom, always working toward the ceiling. You can even clean the walls by holding the steam pan a short distance away from the surface to let steam condense on the wall. Take the pan away and mop the surface with a large cellulose sponge to remove paste and paper crumbs faster and easier.

We will fully instruct you in the proper use of the steamer and will demonstrate safety procedures.

We also rent ladders, stairway scaffolding, drop cloths, and wallpaper hanging tools.

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